Effective Home Remedies for Arthritis.

In this article, you will get effective home remedies for arthritis which help to manage your arthritis problem and reduce pain of arthritis naturally. Also these remedies are purely natural and easily available.

Let's take some useful information about Arthritis. 

What is Arthritis ?

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis - Normal joint

Laboratoires Servier , CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Arthritis is swelling to one or more joints which causes pain or stiffness that increases with age. Joints are the places where two bones meet each other such as the ankle, elbow etc. Any disorder that affects the joints is referred to as arthritis.

Treatment for arthritis is based on type of arthritis. The main factor of treatment is to reduce symptoms. Also treatment of arthritis includes lifestyle changes, physical therapy, medications, surgery. 

Although arthritis can be prevented by changing lifestyle, maintaining proper weight, adopting safety methods to avoid injuries etc.

Types of Arthritis.

There are more than 100 types of arthritis and it varies which related to wear and tear of cartilage. Some common types of arthritis are as below.

  1. Osteoarthritis
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis
  3. Gout
  4. Juvenile Arthritis
  5. Ankylosing spondylitis
  6. Psoriatic arthritis
  7. Reactive arthritis
  8. Septic arthritis
  9. Thumb arthritis

Symptoms of Arthritis.

  • Inflammation of joints.
  • Pain, heat, redness.
  • Motion problem.
  • stiffness.

Causes of Arthritis.

  • Age 
  • Overweight
  • Autoimmune disorder.
  • genetic and inherited traits.
  • Joint injuries
  • Infection.
  • Occupation
  • Smoking


"Effective Home Remedies for Arthritis."

Natural Home Remedy.

"Just Try This Remedy & See The Result !"

(1) Sesame oil with sorghum flatbread.

sorghum flatbread and sesame oil.

During Making of sorghum flatbread (jowar Bhakri) add 1-2 spoons of white sesame oil (teel oil) in each piece of sorghum flatbread. Cook well and eat it. Do it continuously for 15 days. Use 1 spoon of white sesame oil for low pain and 2 spoons of white sesame oil for high pain.

(2) Drumsticks.


Take Drumstick (shevgyachay shenga) and do small pieces of it. Dry fry it, don't use any oil, just put on utensils and give a low amount of heat. Then allow it to cool naturally. 

Chew one piece of fried drumstick in morning, mid-day and evening (before 5pm), so that all juice gets mixed with saliva in mouth and remaining roughage of drumstick can be thrown away from mouth (completely chew fried drumsticks).

(3) Castor oil.

Castor oil.

Drink castor oil about 1 spoon in the evening, which means before sunset (if possible before 5pm) then drink lukewarm water immediately. Do it once a month. This helps to solve arthritis problems and also prevent joint related problems.

For people who don't have arthritis but want to prevent it, then for those people drink half spoon castor oil then drink lukewarm water, once in a month. 

(4) Sesame oil.

Sesame oil

Drink white sesame seed oil (til oil or teel oil) 1 spoon at evening means before sunset (if possible before 5pm) then drink lukewarm water immediately. This helps to manage arthritis pain and also prevents arthritis problems and joint related problems.

(5) Parijat (harsingar) leaves.

Parijat leaves aka harshringar leaves.

Take parijat leaves about 1 bowl, then wash it with water to remove dirt and dust. Take 1 glass of water in a utensil and add 2-3 leaves of parijat. Now boil water and make it half by heating. 

After that allow water to cool naturally. Filter water using clean cloth and store in a clean utensil. Drinking this water in the morning empty stomach, will help to manage arthritis pain .

Nutritious value of parijat leaves contains benzoic acid, tannic acid, methyl salicylate, carotene, amorphous resin, ascorbic acid, glucose, oleanolic acid, flavanol glycosides and fructose

The Flower of parijat also beneficial as it contains essential oils and glycosides. It contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce knee and joint pain naturally.

(6) Fenugreek seeds.

Fenugreek seeds

Take 100grams of fenugreek seed, dry roast fenugreek seeds till seeds become light brown. Now grind them and make fine powder. 

Take half teaspoon of this powder half an hour after lunch with normal water, daily for 40 days

(7) Ginger.


After freshening up in the morning, take 1-2 walnuts, 5g ginger powder and 1 spoon castor oil. Mix it all together and eat it with lukewarm water.

This will stop inflammation and reduce pain. Also this remedy prevents constipation, gastric problems and improves digestion.

"Just Try This Remedy & See The Result !"

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"Recommended to Read for Being Healthy.

1) Healthy benefits of Sorghum flatbread (jowar bhakri).

2) How Castor oil will helpful for


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