One Natural solution that Prevents all Teeth Related Problems based on Ancient Indian Ayurvedic Home Remedy.

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There are many problems related to teeth. In this article you will get natural remedies that will prevent all common Teeth Problems which occur in most of our life. The Remedies of the teeth problem are all Fully Natural & homemade, easy to available. Here read the article & Enjoy a Healthy Life.

"Just Try This Remedy & See The Result !"



One Solution to Prevent All Teeth Related Problems &
keep our Teeth Healthy for life long.

  1. Eat 1 Guava Leaves for 15 days continuously, once in a year.
    This is the simplest remedy to prevent all Teeth related problems and
    also helps in improving memory.

    Note:- before eating leaves wash with salt water, means take drinking water (lukewarm if possible) then add salt on it & wash the leaves. as salt water is Natural Disinfectant i.e why fishermen apply salt on fish to preserve fish. 
    While chewing leaves chew properly such that make very fine pieces of leaves by chewing by which your saliva get mixed properly.

    Guava with leaves

  2. Take 10-12 Guava Leaves, Dip in 1 liter water.
    Add 1 spoon of salt, add 4-5 Cloves in this water.
    Hard Boil this water mixture for at least 10 min.
    After that allow to cool, up-to lukewarm,
    then filter this mixture using clean cloths.

    Stir 2 rounds of Alum (Turti).
    Now gargle using this mixture.
    This will prevent from Bleeding Gum, teeth pain,
    Teeth sensitivity problems and other teeth related problems.
    Do it once in a week.
  3. Take alum (Turti) and 1 liter Normal water,
    Stir 2 round of Alum in 1 liter water,
    Gargle using this water once a week.
    This will strengthen the loose teeth & prevent all teeth related problems.

  4. Take 4-6 Guava Leaves,
    Dip in 3 cup water.
    Hard boil this water mixture & make it 1 cup by heating.
    After that allow to cool it & then filter by using clean cloth.
    Gargle by using this mixture once in 15 days (2 times in a month).
    This also solves all teeth related problems.
  5. Take Full Ripped Guava Fruit.
    Take out little one bite qty from it.
    Add salt on that tiny qty guava & mix well.
    Brush using this mixture (use a finger to brush & massage all teeth).
    This solves problems of people having Teeth sensitivity & other teeth related problems.
    Do this 
    once in 15 days (2 times in a month).

    Full Ripped Guava

"Just Try This Remedy & See The Result !"


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